Friday, May 25, 2007

mr examiner. don't forget this!!!!!!

argh. wish i included this in the work i submitted ALREADY! :(


Thursday, May 24, 2007

im so sorry

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

End Of The Road

qsh_fireplace - Flip Normals.

The whiteboards work, although I question your decision to make them clean...

Walkways have EPIC selection boxes for their size... they're in the engine, and they're textured, but it would require the patience of god himself to get them all in and aligned properly, and if there's one thing we should all have learnt from this project, it is that I don't have that.

I've stripped out your pink ones and replaced them with the ones from HL2 we had in there before. Sorry. :o(

Some people more than others

Your models might not be in the game simply because they don't go anywhere... it's great to flex your artistic muscles and make something nice, but when there's nowhere in the map that it fits, there's not much I can do...
Without wanting to single out a single model or person, a great example is the saucepan... we don't have a kitchen anywhere... what am I supposed to do with it ?

As I'm traveling in on Thursday I'll have to do this video thing today if it's happening at all, so the fireplace will probably be missing... but no matter, because for the video to look half way good I won't be able to focus on any area for very long anyway, so nobody will notice.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Since Blackboard decided not to work..

qsh_shortwalkway SMD:

qsh_shortwalkwaytexture VMT:

qsh_shortwalkwaytexture VTF:

Hope this works I've redone the whole texture and it looks cool I think well It works anyway.

I couldn't of done it without you guys!


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Problems Again

Following Morning Edit : Anything fixed has been deleted

Asim :

I compiled your version of the map... I had to get rid of the space in the filename, so it's just qsh_queens_lasim now.

The majority of the lights you added to the map don't do anything. Most of the ones that do are lights that were previously in the map that you deleted and replaced.
The crazy lights-in-the-first-floor-windows illuminate our empty stairs area. The lights in Jake's lobby look nice until you look at the lobby from outside and see the model flashing due to lighting errors.

Also your version of the map didn't include the "concept-art-matching" red and orange lights in the prison scene, which is odd as you mentioned your work on them during your presentation. I CANNOT IMAGINE WHAT MUST HAVE HAPPENED THERE.

Comparison Pictures :


Where the christ is your frickin' walkway.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

One Last Stand!

So we got a week and five days or so left to hand it all in. Yep we've been predicted good or very good grades but we still haven't completed this level. So let's take a moment to review what's left.

1. Lecture walls
2. Lecture ground
3. lecture ceiling
4. surgery ground
5. surgery walls
6. surgery ceiling? (if not can you do them attar?)
7. Hallway walls
8. Hallway ground
9. Hallway celing? (just use the ones from the lecture ceiling)
10. Outside Walls (screw the white wall. the white wall can go on the window side probably)
11. Outside Ground (mesh that i made)

1. Jakes reception - try and see if its possible to raise your reception so the ground can cover my mesh i made outside
2. rubble outside - i will need to create some sort of 'sphere like' mesh and cover it with a mud texture and put in some pieces of the ground mesh i made.
3. windows - can you please put my window frames on the surgery wall and cover it with planks of wood please? the side of the hallway not inside.
4. toms walkway - really need to sort out the texture. or export it right.
5. walkway ground - who doing it?
6. oil cans - ill make some for outside and hallway. the fire inside needs to start from something!
7. printer - i might make one lol if i get alot of spare time.
8. whiteboard - mesh reconstruction and texture will be changed.
9. motorcycle - asim can you get the texture on it. that's a 'special' asset so it needs to be in there asap.
10. gardening tools - i will make some spades, forks, axe's n stuff to scatter around the level. if i get spare time. or if anyone else does, just dont go ott and make a chainsaw. attar -_-
11. fireplace - for the lecture room. joel says we need something in there which is 'aaaah' so i've got a nice one in my front room. might model it.
12. shark - we need a dead shark. NOW!

This should be about it. If theres anything else that needs sorting or replacing. post another topic or comment to this if it's about this post.

good luck lads.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Guys... could've done your stuff. :o(