Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Digby The Biggest Dog In The World

OK, I was joking before when I said scale might be a problem, as I assumed I'd uploaded enough scale files to stop it ever happening again.


Also, due to the models folder being a virtual minefield of peoples broken work just waiting for the chance to crash Hammer, I think I am going to have to spend time cataloging what we have, who it's done by, whether it works or not, and what about it needs to be fixed.
Browsing the model viewer in Hammer was like playing Russian Roulette tonight, and it's really hard to map when there's a 50/50 chance the next model you try and open will result in crashing.

The models of Daljit's I got in before losing the will to continue seemed to be OK... but as the above pictures show, Jake's lobby is too big, as is Attar's filing cabinet. From memory, the surgery IV also appeared to be broken. There are lots more things that need attention, and providing I don't lapse into a coma today (I probably will... I was up at 5.30 yesterday morning, and have only had 2 hours of sleep yesterday afternoon since) I hope to get a lovely, boring spreadsheet sorted.

At the risk of angering Attar by continually using him as an example... the stairs really need something done to them.

As you can see, they go up, but they don't go across. As the stairs are pretty high poly, I can't mimic them using Hammer brushes. It'll have to be added to the model.
Sorry. :o(


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