Monday, April 30, 2007

Grraaaa ness why does max hate vista

I know I am behin d in the task side of things and im trying my best to get things done... I will have my models and stuff done by wensday since realising max will never work on vista until I get a full version of 9 or somthing like that... so I have looked at things and this is what i will have done and ready for importing wensday...

Fire ext v1 and v2
Curtain rail
rails for walkway
rails for other areas
projectors broken and working
sign box and signs

and thats all for the moment. I have a new Graphics tablet now also which is helping greatly with time spending on textures... REALLY annoyed at the delay of having no computer over the weeks off but im in full gear to get it done by this wensday thats just two days away.


2nd and final part of my work.

Since the tree, metalboxes and airducts were made in max9 and don't export properply in 8. You've got 2 options ;

-Either wait till wednesday and i'll trying using the max9 beta plugin at uni.

-Or ill upload the the max files + tga's and somebody can try it themselves

Btw, i would do it myself but im running windows x64 pro with max 9 (64bit) since the x86 (32bit) verison isnt supported and unfortunately the smd plugin only works for the 32bit verison.


more stuff john

window frame for the hallway surgery room(which will be boared up), those weird windows outside and 3x wood planks.

attar pointed out to me if lightmapped needed ''models/'' or ''/'' in front of it or not?

let us know

Daljit Singh SMD+VTF Pack 30th April 2007

1. xform
2. scaled with 7ft character
3. aligneded to 0,0,0 in the world
4. unrap pointing to a .tga diffuse texture
5. the .vmt has ''/models...'' in front of texture name

if some dont work in the mdl vievwer. i will send the .tga for them for you to compile.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

We're Running Out Of Patience !

Why do you do these things to me.

Can people please please check their work at least twice before exporting and sending it to me. The amount of time I've spent dealing with problems caused by people incorrectly exporting their work rivals if not surpasses the total amount of time some of you have actually spent working.


The self-compiled VTF and VMT files I've been given tonight have had a small problem in them that prevents models from finding their textures.

This is a working VMT file :

"$baseTexture" "models\/qsh_pipes_diffuse_green"
"$bumpmap" "models\/qsh_pipes_normal_fixed"

The files I have been given have been missing the "models\/" bit in them, which I believe is what tells the game engine to look in the "models" folder for the vtf's... so they're looking in the main materials directory and finding nothing and pinking your models.

We're Running Out Of Time !

Just to keep people motivated by fear, I shall be periodically reminding everyone how long is left until my "no compiles after this date" deadline.

So far only Attar has handed his work over.

john help me please!

im viewing the model in the mdl viewer and its come up with that twat of a checkerboard. it's meant to show the material right? :p

im running cstrike in the sdk and as you can see i've put the textures in the same folder as the models folder. can you suggest a fix for my .qc file. maybe the same config of one the working models in the engine you have?


Saturday, April 28, 2007



oh god i can't take it. i can't wait for leicester to play them again. i'll easily take a 2-3 beatings from stewards. ANTI-MAN UTD for life! fuck all the glory boys.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Time Crisis

OK, on Monday I asked for people to upload their finished work so I could attempt to compile it, fail, send it back for repairs and then compile it again properly with plenty of time before the deadline.

It's not happened, so I thought I'd just make things a bit more exciting by pointing out the realism of the situation... the presentation needs to be done on the 9th.

We have 12 days.

And not 12 work days, no... we need it finished for the 9th, not on the 9th.

I am not going to risk taking everyone's blame for an incomplete project when all five of you hand all your models to me on the 8th and ask me to fix whatever problems show up during the compile, so here's where things get exciting...

I will not compile any model that is handed to me after Thursday the 3rd of May unless it is somehow vital to the project or has a damn good reason for being late.

I know it sounds a bit harsh, but here are the facts :
- No-one is showing any completed models
- The plan to meet up this week was laughable
- I remember what happened for our INDE project last year
- This year has been a "can I have an extension please" frenzy for most of you

Also, on day ONE I posted a link on the gaymart blog to the Valve Developer Wiki page, which is where a majority of my knowledge about working with Half Life 2 came from... all the information you need to compile a model is on there.

I even uploaded a tool that compiles models on to Blackboard the other day.

How to compile textures has already been posted on the blog.

There we go... all the knowledge in the world is now yours, just in case you don't have your models completed by the 3rd... they can still be added to the map, but you'll need to compile them yourself.

Pre-emptive defence of this crazy new deadline :
Yes, I know the 3rd is a bit "early" before the presentation date, but going on past form I feel pretty confident that even if this deadline is given any attention at all I won't see a single model until Thursday evening. This gives me Friday to compile them, find any errors and send them back, Saturday to receive and compile fixed models, Sunday to get everything in the map and then Monday and Tuesday can just be spent bug hunting.

This message has been posted on both the gaymart blog AND Blackboard, so there is no excuse for not seeing it.


Monday, April 23, 2007


From decency...

to madness.

Surgery Light

I've now got the jet engine and surgery light all sorted to the right scale, correct filenames and proper x-forms... I'm posting this as a quick break from the hell of unwrapping the broken wall. I'll post a pic of that when I'm done.

Thinking about it, perhaps that light might benefit from a normal map...

There's nothing like living in the last-minute to motivate you.

Friday, April 20, 2007

more work coming soon

after i get my character and interior final renders done. well i'll try and see what i can conjure up whilst on a steroid course for 4 more days! sorry for the layoff from max. blame the human imune system!

Filthy Habit

I haven't posted anything on here as my "week off" was ruined by getting sick, and I (perhaps somewhat selfishly) decided that laying in bed coughing my lungs up didn't count as "a break from the project" and did hardly anything but draw last week aswell, but things have been progressing nicely this week...

...but I've only just posted this as it's the first thing to get to a "presentable" state and I hate showing things off that obviously need work. Along with "I can do better than this... restart !" it's a habit I need to break.

That's some of Daljit's floor texture there... which I think is our first instance of shared textures. GO TEAMWORK.

I'm still working on the plane interior, and trying to get a nice dramatic crash going on... 'tis tricky. Also there are the round windows for the main hallway and the broken lecture theatre wall. (I realise it's a duplicate model but it's easy-ish to do and yours looked a bit... cave-like, Attar... plus I'm scared to think what the poly count was)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

stuff under the stairs...

i hope these objects will help people recognise what building it is. because they never leave it!

Friday, April 13, 2007
