Monday, May 07, 2007

The Rain Has Gone

The start cell has been jazzed up a bit and given a "way in" with a big hole in the ceiling... the player drops down from here. Hopefully this will be the lead-out from the plane crash intro (which won't be done for Wednesday due to todays heavy jazzing-requirements, but it should be done for the 25th's hand in)...

Attar asked where his boxes were... well, they're in several places, but this is the one I mentioned...

Lecture Room 2 has been decorated with a mixture of Jake and Daljit's models...

The front area now houses Daljit's planks and some of Attars boxes... as it looked very boring in there (and still does)...

Jake's lobby has been crowbarred in, but it's not a pretty fit...

I tried to break up the sharp corners at the end of the prison scene by adding some "pillars" to them... there's also now a light that shorts out as you walk past it.

And here's the area that houses the vending machines in real life... it's a bit dark, but if you squint you might be able to see the tipped over vending machine blocking the door to the street...

That might end up being my lot for today... there's still several bugs to fix and Daljit's given me some TV screens to add to the prison area, but tiredness is beating me about the head with its sleeping stick and I may have to give in...


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